Friday, December 3, 2010

A very sad day, with a great tragedy

Photos are from Ynet

Hello everybody,
I was about to take part it the happy blog hop at Frosted designs, only the tragedy that haapened yesterday stopped me from that.
Carmel mt. is burning! 41 people were killed, many have been injured, some of them are fighting their lives, two police officers are missing, thousands of people were evacuated from their homes.
It is nearby my old hometown, Haifa, and my mom and brother are still living there, and we have lots of friends over there.
The fire is still high and it seems that the firemen can't control it.

I know personally some of the deads and the woundeds, and one of them is a friend of mine.
Under the circumstances, I can not take part in the blog hop, but please do hop over to Frosted Designs and join the wonderful ladies in the fun.

Today, Friday, is the 3rd candle of Hanukka. This is a holiday of miracles and we sure need a big miracle to stop that horrible fire. The weather here is like in the middle of summer - dry, high tempertures, strong eastern wind and no sign of rain.

My heart is with the families who lost their loved ones, with the people that got hurt by the fire, and with all the brave people that still fight the fire. Let us pray that no more people will get killed by this fire.

I will show you my lo for the "Glitter" challenge at Frosted Designs, but please forgive me for not being cheerful and happy today.

Thank you all for your understanding. The love and comfort you all sending me are so much appreciated.

זהו יום עצוב ונורא עד מאד. שריפת ענק בהר הכרמל, שעדיין נמשכת ולא רואים את קיצה.
41 הרוגים (מניין נכון לשעות הבוקר), פצועים קשה הנאבקים על חייהם, אלפי אנשים שפונו  מבתיהם ואלפי דונמים של חורש מדהים שנשרפו על החיות המתגוררות שם.
אלו הם נופי ילדותי, שם נולדתי ושם נולדו לי ילדי. לצערי הרב אני מכירה אישית כמה מההרוגים והפצועים קשה. אחד מהם הוא חבר.
חנוכה הוא חג של ניסים. מי יתן ויתרחש הנס והאש הנוראית הזו תעצר ותגווע.
עם דמעות בעיניים ולב דואב, אני שולחת את תנחומי למשפחות השכולות, מתפללת להחלמה מלאה ושלמה של הפצועים ומחזקת את ידיהם של הגיבורים הממשיכים לעשות במלאכה ולהילחם באש.
נתפלל לבשורות טובות ולימים טובים יותר.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh no!! This is tragic!! My prayers are with you and other loved ones that have lost ones near and dear to them....and also prayers going out to the firefighters trying to stop the fires....may they be safe, and given the strength to stop this...... {{{hugs}}}

Fern said...

Li-bee-ti, my heart is heavy upon hearing this sad news!! Sending prayers to you and those near and dear to you, along with everyone else that has been affected by this horrible fire. Hugs

Tip Top said...

Such terrible news - I've watched it on tv here in the UK.

*BJ* said...

So sorry for the tradegy.

Barb Craft said...

Libeeti... I am so sorry for this terrible loss. You and your family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you Cyber hugs from clear over her in America!
Barb :)

Debbie said...

You are still in my thoughts! To have such a tragic thing happen and during your celebration of Hanukka and to have it effect you personally makes my heart saddened for you.

Angela said...

My heart is breaking for you and your family and your whole town! This is such a tradegy!!! I have read that many countries have pledged to help by sending firefighters over to help! I am hoping and praying that this fire is extinguished quickly! thinking of you! xxxxx

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I am so very sorry that you have lost so much. You know that you, your family still living there, the lost, the wonded, all around are in my thoughts and prayers. So horribly saddend by this news.
Kim xXx

TesaB said...

I am so, so sorry!!! All my thoughts are with you and your loved ones. Big hug!

Unknown said...

Still thinking of you and your family.

It is good to see you crafting again as it is such good therapy!

Take care!