Sunday, August 29, 2010

Love Rules רק האהבה תנצח את כל הדמעות

These photos were taken at my best friend's yard, about 4 years ago, but the date is really not so important. All that metters is the title. It has always been the most important thing, and it has even more emphasis these days.
The past months were very stressful for me, mostly concerning my youngest (yes, that sweet little pie laying in my arms...). I do hope we've come to the end of this period, with more answers and certainties, so I can get the best treatment for him. Tomorrow will be a crucial day, so please cross your fingers for us.
And yes, this lo was made with all my thought, fears and hopes concerning my two adorable kids, the apple of my eye.
I was caught by this week's challenge over Scrapping the Music, which is "Love Shack", so I knew that I will have this title for my lo. As I finished it, I had in mind an Israeli song, named:  "Only love will win/overcome", and part of this songs says: "only love will overcome all the tears". Oh my, so much tears I've had this past months! But, as these songs say: Only love will over come, and love rules....

I used the sketch from one of my fav challenge blogs: Sketches in Thyme, a sketch by the talented Helen Croft:

I also combined it with the challenge over Frosted Designs (one of my favs too...), which was circle with decorative edges (and I wasn't the only one combining those two challenges... LOL). I used a big doily in the center, and 3 small one that I crumpled to flowers. In the center of each one I adhered crochet flowers I've made myself (and so are the green leaves under the upper flower).
I used MS doily lace border punch and a lace ribbon. Added some pearls pins on one of the flowers, and pale blue pearls on all of them. I also put some butterflies and heart shaped buttons.
The cardstock is dark blue (not black..) and it was too dark for me, so I stamped lots of swirls with ivory acrylic paint.
Did you notice that cute little heart charm, tied to the "s" letter? And the use of a Fiskars border punch on one of the photos? I saw it at an Israeli talented scraper, Ilanit's blog, and I just loved it, so I scraplifted it (you should really look at her creations. Very unique and creative!).

And the other challenges I'm entering this lo for are:
lace in stitches - #24 sisc
lace/ribbon - for fun
pearls - #86 crafty pad
peatal & pearls - #11 crafts and me
flowers (mine are handmade) - cowgirl's
crumbling plus buttons - #30 the character cafe
fussy cutting - #18 just scraps
ribbons & flowers - #7 paper jewels
handmade flowers - #20 craft your passion
buttons & bows - 56 incy wincy
buttons (plus stamping) - scrap and stamp
colors - design dollies; abc; #105 cupcake craft
monochromatic - #34 stampin royalty
dress it up (with something black) - #26 wo scrapfit
butterflies - #119 fluterby wednesday
wings - #5 a pocket full of posies; #2 cyda
anything goes - #13 the paper players; #1 ces
Thanks for stopping by!

התמונות הללו צולמו לפני כארבע וחצי שנים, בחצר הבית של חברתי הטובה ביותר. התאריך בו צולמו חסר חשיבות, מה שבאמת חשוב זו הכותרת.
החודשים האחרונים היו מלאי מתח ודאגה עבורי, במיוחד סביב בני הצעיר. אני מאד מקווה שאנחנו בסיומה של התקופה הזאת, עם יותר תשובות ויותר ודאויות.
הדף הזה הוכן עם כל המטען הרגשי של התקופה האחרונה, כי אחרי ככלות הכל, באמת רק האהבה תנצח. זה התאים לי לאתגר שיש באחד מהאתרים (קישור בחלק באנגלית), וכשסיימתי להכין אותו התנגן לי בראש השיר של אתניקס - "רק האהבה תנצח את כל הדמעות". אז עם כל השמאלציות שבזה, המילים הללו כל כך משקפות את  מה שאני מרגישה, והתמונות הללו הן מהיפות שלנו ביחד, תמיד ביחד.
מחר אמור להיות יום קריטי עבורנו, אז תחזיקו לנו אצבעות ותהיו שותפים לתקווה שלי שהכל יסתדר על הצד הטוב ביותר.

בדף הזה השתמשתי במפיות תחרה (גדולה וקטנות כבסיס של הפרחים), פרפרים, תליון מטאלי בצורת לב, פרחי ועלי קרושה שהכנתי בעצמי, פרחים קנויים, פנינים, סרט תחרה ופאנצ' בורדר תחרה. הקארדסטוק הוא כחול כהה (לא שחור...) והוא היה לי כהה מידי אז החתמתי אותו עם צבע אקרילי שנהב. באחת מהתמונות השתמשתי בפאנצ' בורדר של פיסקרס, דבר שראיתי אצל אילנית, ומאד אהבתי.

תודה שנכנסתן להסתכל ועל הסבלנות לקרוא עד הסוף....


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is GORGEOUS!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the colors and those flowers!! Thanks sooooooooooo much for playing along with Scrapping the Music!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Sue said...

Stunning and and a fab layout.
Thanks for playing FFF and joining in our blog hop.
Good luck
Sue x

Dawnll said...

Sending you positive thoughts and hope everything gives you an answer you can accept.
Wonderful layout and such great small details that make it spectacular. Thanks for playing this week at Sketches In Thyme.

TesaB said...

Wahooo!!! How gorgeous is this??? LOVE everything about this page! Great stamping, and lovely photos. Fantastic flowers too. LOOOOVE IT!!!

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

קודם כל..
איזה דף עוצר נשימה!
מחזיקה אצבעות לקטנטן שלך יקירתי המון בריאות ורק טוב.
החלפנו הנהלה בבלוג האתגרים החדש ולוקח לנו קצת זמן להתרגל, בימים הקרובים אני אעשה קאטש אפ עם התגובות.
הדף פשוט יפייפה ושוב, המשמעות לאחר הקריאה עושה אותו למדהים!
רק טוב XXX

Einat's Art World said...

איזה דף מקסים. אני רואה שהמוזה מבקרת אצלך הרבה לאחרונה וזה נהדר כי יש תוצרים מקסימים.
מחזיקה לך אצבעות שהכל יהיה בסדר ובכלל אופטימיות תמיד עוזרת בכל מצב.
מקווה שנדבר בקרוב.

Anita said...

This is so stunning! Thanks for joining us at Delightful Challenges!

אילנית said...

וואוו וואוו וואוו אחד הדפים הכי יפים שלך.

תחרת נייר עושה המון למאטינג של התמונות ונותן משהו מעניין.

והפינצ'וצ'ים שלך נהדרים ומתאימים.

תודה רבה על הפירגון לבלוג שלי.


Faye said...

Oooh, I'm loving how you've used our blue and green colour combo, this LO is so sweet. Thanks so much for playing at cupcake this week. xx

Cec said...

Great layout. Love how you made the flowers. Thanks for joining us at Delightful Challenges.

Suzi Mac said...

Wonderful layout, colour combo and the flowers lace and pearls are stunning. Thank you for joining us at Fairy Fun Friday Blog Hop with your lovely creation.
Suzi x

Debbie said...

Beautiful layout! Love your flowers and the little blue hearts! The stamping on the background is such a lovely touch to your beautiful layout!

Pat said...

Gorgeous LO!! Thanks for playing at Sketches in Thyme!

TinaB said...

Beautiful flowers and stunning page! Thanks for playing at Cowgirl Up! Hugs Tina (DT) xx

TinaB said...

Wonderful thank you for playing at The character Cafe. Hugs Tina (DT) x

Anonymous said...

הדף מדהים!!
אני כ"כ אוהבת שאת מחברת את הכל ...
וזה פשוט נראה ככה בסוף.
תמונה בעצם לא דף. תמונה.

Fern said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son.. I pray things will be better for you!! Your layout is just beautiful.. Love the beautiful flowers you made and your embellies are soo pretty!! Thank you for playing along with us over at Sketches In Thyme!

Vicky said...

Fab page & love your flowers.
Thankyou for joing us at Cowgirl Sunday Challenge

Hugs Vicky xx

Miesje said...

Very pretty card! The flowers are wonderful. Thanks for playing with us at Stampin Sisters in Christ!

Joni Parker said...

BeautThanks for joining us at Frosted Designs!!iful!!!

Gina said...

Wonderful layout and fabulous handmade flowers!! My heart feels for you with your worries over your child. I hope all goes well for the future :D Thank you for taking time to join us at Cowgirls Sunday Challenge XXX

Poppet said...

Your LO is gorgeous and the handmade flowers and leaves look beautiful. As your title says 'Love Rules' and it keeps us strong. .

Thank you for sharing your page with us at CSSC. :-) xx 

KymKreates said...

Your project is great!! Your coloring is absolutely magnificent! Thanks a bunch for distressing with us this week at Digi Doodle Shop's Best.
DT Coordinator

KarenB said...

I love those doiley flowers - how cute! Thanks for playing at Design Dollies.

Monika Reeck said...

Great Distressing ..Great LOl lovely doily...thanks for joining with us at Digi Doodle Shop's Best this week, hugs, Monika

Lorraine said...

gorgeous layout thankyou for joining us at Cowgirl Up this week and good luck xx

Vixykins said...

Great layout and love the sparkly pale blue flowers :)

Thank You for joining in at Crafts & Me challenge x

Mina said...

wow I love those doily flowers they are amazing, gorgeous layout as always...thanks for joining in with the Bunny Zoe's monthly challenge
Mina xxx

Rose said...

perfect title for the page :) and i pray that this time in your life has ended and all starts going well now with the youngest. beautiful flowers girl.

Barb Craft said...

Wow!! This LO is one of your best... maybe part of it has to do with the precious darlings in your arms!! I will send some prayers your way for you and your son! I love, love the doily flowers and the way you used the punch with the lace .... gorgeous!! And the sweet little heart attached to the s is the perfect little touch!! Great idea combining those challenges!! lol!!
Barb :)

Claire said...

Just beautiful!!. I hope you get some positive news about your little one
Thanks for joining us at CSSC and
good luck, hope to see you again next week too
Claire xx

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous!Loving those colors and flowers!
Thank you so much for joining us at Scrapping The Music this week!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous Layout...I really love the distressed edges and your flowers are beautiful. Glad you joined us this week at The Character Cafe. I hope everything turns out o.k. for you and your family...Love really does rule!!

Emma said...

A beautiful pages, such gorgeous details.
Thanks for joining us at CYDA and good luck.
Hugs Emma x

TinaB said...

Just beautiful! Thanks for playing at The Crafty Pad! Hope to see you for our next challenge xx Hugs Tina (DT) xx

April said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you as your family goes through this time of uncertainty. The layout is so sentimental and your flowers are just the right touch.
Thanks for joining us at SCCS.

Kleeblatt said...

Wonderful creation. I like your card. Thanks for joining us at CSSC. Good Luck

Alison (Groovycrafter) said...

Great scrapbook layout....
Love your flowers.
Thank you for joining us this week at CSSC.
Hope to see you enter are next challenges we have a very special one on Sunday 12th September.
Hugs Alison

Rachel רחלי גזית said...

הדף מדהים. אבל בכי חשובה הבריאות והמשפחה.
מקווה שהתשובות שהגיעו שימחו והרגיעו אתכם.
שתהיהלכם שנה טובה ומ ל א ה בבריאות ושמחה.