o.k., o.k. one just might say it's all about chaeting...
Shakespeare said: as you like it....

Day 292 at 365 cards was an ad inspiration challenge.
Well, so so Christmasi... I was afraid that I got too much of this halo thing, plus I was encouraged by my rebel friends to do some cheating...
and so I just gathered almost all of my Red-Green creations (btw - all of them are CREATIONS WITH LOVE.... )
and once again I say - Pam never said a word about "new", so this time I allow myself to bring something "old"... hey, it's holidays time, relaxation time, isn't it?
just to bring a smile to you. hope you enjoy the joke, as much as I did....
LOL!!! :0) you are too funny and gloria had better watch out as you just might take her place as the "top" rebel *wink*
A person is sick for a week and they crawl out of the woodwork to steal your rebel crown! Sigh....naughty crafters!
Cheating or no....these projects are "on fire"! giggle
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